Your Mental & Physical wellbeing is my priority.
Beliefs and the impact they have on your mental & physical health.
From the moment of inception you feel and make decisions about yourself, your worth & what you deserve by your external environment. Your subconscious takes what is said to you and what experience, as truth.
Your minds job is to keep you alive. Therefore, it creates unconscious beliefs or programming, which create neuro-pathways or channels for survival, protection, punishment or to keep you safe. Many times it is all of these things at once.
This programming then creates an action or behavior. Which we can call, the symptom or presenting problem. This is anything and everything, from unwanted habits such as, nail biting, bed wetting & overeating to limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, phobias, physical pain, addiction, depression & anxiety to why you are not living your best life, having successful relationships & a career you are proud of.
You were not born with these behaviors. You were birthed with a clear conscious, an innate knowing that you are a unique expression of life and you expected all your needs would be met.
Well.. then life happened and everyone did their best. During highly emotional times & traumatic experiences, your mind stepped in, to build a program to “keep you safe”. It is still trying to keep you “safe”, years later. However, you are an older now, things have changed and these old fixed programs have you living in the past and are not in your best interest to evolve.
You keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
You have to consciously break the habit of being your unconscious self.
Hypnosis gets to the root cause easily & effortlessly. You get to be the detective of your mind. Explore the subconscious, understand how, why, when and where you acquired the belief. Taking back the power of your mind, creating new beliefs & programs that set you up to be the best, healthy, most fulfilled version of you.
Brain Fact- You are birthed with 100 billion neurons connected by 50 trillion synapses- Thats why 0-7 years old are sponges!